A different viewpoint
by Tony Karp
Here's a panorama from my Mavic, and two more

This is a panorama showing the road I live on. It's about a mile long and ends in a river that's also the county line. This a planar panorama. It works in a manner similar to a flatbed scanner. The drone, with its camera, moves in a straight line, while snapping pictures. The pictures are assembled using a regular panorama program. This one was shot from about 300 feet up. The panoramas that follow were shot from a higher altitude.

If you're looking at this on your phone or tablet, double-tap the picture and it will fill the screen.

Tony Karp, design, art, photography, 3D printing, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism,   aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video
The panorama below is the same scene, shot from about 1000 feet up.
Tony Karp, design, art, photography, 3D printing, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism,   aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video
The panorama below is from the Mavic's altitude limit, about 1500 feet up.
Tony Karp, design, art, photography, 3D printing, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism,   aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video
And here's a bonus! The panorama below was shot from a single vantage point, about 1500 feet up. It covers an area of about four square miles. The original image was about 235 megapixels.
 - Here's a panorama from my Mavic, and two more - Tony Karp, design, art, photography, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism, aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , art from the air

These panoramas are the result slowly tweaking and refining the process to yield something a little different in drone photography. I did this with my Mavic Pro drone and I used Litchi software to plan and execute the flights.
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Copyright 1958-2017 Tony & Marilyn Karp
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