This is a panorama showing the road I live on. It's about a mile long and ends in a river that's also the county line. This a planar panorama. It works in a manner similar to a flatbed scanner. The drone, with its camera, moves in a straight line, while snapping pictures. The pictures are assembled using a regular panorama program. This one was shot from about 300 feet up. The panoramas that follow were shot from a higher altitude.
If you're looking at this on your phone or tablet, double-tap the picture and it will fill the screen.
The panorama below is the same scene, shot from about 1000 feet up.
The panorama below is from the Mavic's altitude limit, about 1500 feet up.
And here's a bonus! The panorama below was shot from a single vantage point, about 1500 feet up. It covers an area of about four square miles. The original image was about 235 megapixels.
These panoramas are the result slowly tweaking and refining the process to yield something a little different in drone photography. I did this with my Mavic Pro drone and I used Litchi software to plan and execute the flights.
Copyright 1958-2017 Tony & Marilyn Karp